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In this lesson, we're going to provide you with some signs of aggression in cats and show you some techniques you can use to safely restrain your cat if he or she becomes aggressive. It's important to note that even docile cats can become aggressive, especially if they're sick or injured.
At the end of this lesson, we'll provide you with a Word about winter safety tips for your dog or cat.
Signs of aggression in cats includes:
Warning: If you are not sure how to safely restrain your cat by yourself, it's better to wait until you can get some help or until he calms down on his own.
There are a number of methods you can use to restrain your cat, even when he doesn't want to be restrained, and these include:
Most cats will calm down using this method, and everyone has large towels laying around.
Pro Tip #1: You can use this technique any time you need to place your cat inside a carrier. And it's much easier than trying to shove your cat – calm or not – through a small hole.
There may be times when you'll need to muzzle your cat. However, it may difficult to do on your own, especially if your cat is agitated. A second person may be required to hold him steady.
Pro Tip #2: Covering your cat's eyes is essential for helping him calm down. Not only will he become less fearful once muzzled, but a muzzle will also keep his mouth closed and prevent him from biting you.