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Welcome to your ProTraining's Pet First Aid course. In this introductory lesson, we'll be introducing you to Charlie, a one-and-a-half-year-old Springer Spaniel, who received the care he needed to recover fully from his health scare. We'll also tell you a few of the important things you'll be learning in this course, along with one crucial warning you should definitely heed.

Your video instructor for this course is Dr. Bobbi Conner, Dr. of Veterinary Medicine. And while the video content is very thorough, we're also providing you with written lessons (like this one) for every video in the course.

In these written lessons, you'll come across the occasional Pro Tip, those things you might want to pay extra attention to, along with a few Warnings, which you should pay even more attention to. And at the end of some of these lessons, we'll also provide you with an additional Word on some area of pet health or first aid that may add some value for you and your entire pet family.

Also worth mentioning as a valuable resource is the ProPetHero Blog where you'll find a wealth of information. And finally, don't forget to subscribe to our email list and YouTube channel, both of which you can do from the blog's right sidebar/column. And if you want to dive all the way into pet first aid, you can also follow us on X and Facebook from that same sidebar.

Let's face it, your pets are indeed a part of your family, and as such, we hope they never have to suffer an injury or illness. However, if one of your pets does, being prepared can often mean the difference between a positive outcome, like Charlie had, or a bad outcome.

Meet Charlie – Heat Stroke Survivor

As mentioned above, Charlie is a one-and-a-half-year-old Springer Spaniel with boundless energy. While playing in the yard one fine day with his family, he was enjoying himself way too much to take a break from all the fun, so he pushed himself a bit too hard.

Charlie Began stumbling and then finally collapsed. His family immediately suspected that he was suffering from heatstroke. While mom went to get the car, dad instinctively grabbed Charlie and dunked him in the kiddie pool to cool off.

Charlie's family rushed him to the hospital and by the time they arrived, his temperature had begun to return to normal.

His family was right; it turned out that Charlie had all the classic signs of heatstroke and was actually required to stay in the hospital for several days. However, thanks to the quick actions by Charlie's family, he was able to quickly get back home and experienced no long-term problems, which can be rare with heat stroke victims.

What You Can Expect to Learn

In this course, we're going to equip you with all the tools you need to:

  • Recognize problems with your pet early
  • Know when to provide care
  • Know how to provide care appropriately
  • What information you need to gather to help your veterinarian ensure the best possible outcome and maybe even save you a little money

Prompt and affective pet first aid can sometimes replace the need for veterinary care. However, in most situations, what you will be learning are simply the first steps that you can take to prevent an emergency situation from getting worse while you also transport your pet to the veterinarian.

Warning: It's better to be safe than sorry. If at any time you do not feel that you are able to manage the situation with your pets injury or illness, do not hesitate. Seek veterinarian care immediately. Medical emergencies often require prompt attention, even those involving our furrier family members.

Welcome again to your ProTrainings' Pet First Aid course. We truly hope it becomes a difference-maker for you and your pets.