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In this lesson, we're going to answer the one pressing question you may have asked yourself during this course, as we've mentioned numerous times about safe transport to the vet – how exactly do I transport them safely?
For dogs and cats who suffer an injury, you want to make sure you're able to transport them to the veterinarian safely. As you know by now, the first thing you want to do is make sure the scene is secure and that you can safely approach your pet.
Pro Tip: Since getting hit by a vehicle is one of the more common pet injuries, if you find yourself in this situation, make sure it's safe to go into the road after your pet. Try to position your vehicle so that it blocks traffic and make it obvious to those around you that something is wrong. You can turn on your headlights and hazards, both of which should help.
Once you feel safe and comfortable approaching your pet, the first thing you'll want to do is muzzle your animal. Remember, an animal in pain may try to bite you. Once the muzzle is in place, you can begin the process of getting your pet into your vehicle for transport.
With smaller animals, simply lift them (if you're able to safely) and gently place them into their carrier. Get them into the car. And transport them to the vet's office as quickly as you can.
Larger animals are a bit trickier to lift, for obvious reasons. If you're unable to lift your pet (safely, as in not making the injuries worse) you can use a towel as a sling. It's important to note that this method really only works if your pet still has the use of two or more limbs.
If your pet has injured his front legs, slide the towel under his chest and place it up near his armpits. You'll want to then lift gently just to support your pet's weight. This should allow you to safely walk your pet to the car.
If your pet has injured his hind limbs, slide the towel back toward his belly. Again, lift gently to support his weight and guide your pet to the car so you can transport him to the veterinarian.
For larger animals that are unable to walk at all, you're probably going to need to get some help. Once the muzzle is in place, get a blanket from your first aid kit or linen closet. Or, if you have a stiff board that you can put your pet on, that may be a safer and more secure way to get your pet into your vehicle and on to your vet.
Let's assume you'll be using a blanket rather than a board. Grab your blanket and place it in front of your pet. Get his feet and legs onto the blanket first, then quickly and gently lift the rest of him onto the blanket.
You'll need to make this a coordinated effort between you and your helper. It'll help if you agree to count to three. Make sure you know whether you're lifting on three or right after three.
Once your pet is on the blanket, one of you can grab one end while the other grabs the other. Lift him up and into your vehicle. It'll be a lot easier if you can get your car as close to your pet as possible, especially with larger animals who are unable to walk at all.