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In this lesson, we're going to follow up the last one on lameness care and focus on severe lameness. We'll provide you with some signs to watch out for that may indicate a more serious situation. 

Sometimes, what looks like lameness caused by an injury may actually be a problem that's caused by an underlying neurologic disorder. In these types of situations, when you inspect your pet's limbs, you won't find any reaction from your pet or any source of the pain.

Signs of Severe Pet Lameness

You may recall some of the symptoms and signs of lameness from the last lesson. With severe lameness, the signs are much different and include the following:

  1. You may notice that your pet is suddenly walking with an abnormal gate. It may appear as though he or she is lacking coordination, or is now walking with what we call, a drunken sailor gate.
  2. You might also notice that your pet is knuckling over on some limbs, or in other words, scraping the ground with the tops of his or her feet.
  3. Another sign of severe pet lameness is when your pet walks in a way that crosses over his or her legs.

Warning: Any of these signs or symptoms may be an indication of a serious neurologic condition. If you notice any of the above, get your pet to the vet's office immediately, as this condition can progress to a point where your pet is unable to use his or her limbs at all.

Pro Tip: It's equally important to be careful during transport. Make sure not to move your pet too much. You don't want to make the injury (if indeed there is one) or the condition any worse until your veterinarian can do a thorough evaluation of your pet.