This course teaches first aid and CPR techniques to address the most common emergencies that can occur with small and large dogs as well as cats. This course will train you to notice abnormalities and detect early warning signs in pets. You will also learn essential pre-vet care and life saving techniques for those times when immediate action can make all the difference. The course is developed and taught by Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Bobbi Conner, a specialist in small animal emergency & critical care.
Total course time includes 1 hour and 39 minutes of video training as well as knowledge reviews, final test, remedial help and reviewing downloaded material.
“Dr. Conner is a very compelling presenter and the scope and duration of this course were perfect. As a physician and first-aid instructor, I appreciated the clear and relevant message that even without veterinary training, we can learn to be prepared to do the best for our furry companions in an emergency. I am starting to put together my ultralight backpacking canine first-aid kit as well as my home first-aid kit for Freya. ”
“This training covered all the most important things one should know when owning a pet dog or cat. ”