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Take a Hike…With Your Dog

By Arden Moore

Walks around your neighborhood can become so ho-hum for your dog. Workouts at the gym can be so boring for you. So, why not step out in style by going on an adventurous hike with your canine pal?

In addition to the daily jaunts in our neighborhood, I treat my dogs, Emma and Kona, to periodic longer hikes in new places that last an hour or two. Each hike gives Kona and Emma the opportunity to explore new sights, sounds and smells that give them a good workout while providing enrichment. 

Heed These Hiking Tips

Let me share some tips to ensure your hike is safe and successful:





Gear Up in Advance

Hiking with your dog requires a bit of planning. Here is my recommended checklist:

* Plenty of spare poop bags (Be kind to Mother Earth and do not leave your dog’s poop in the woods.)

* Healthy dog treats in a treat pouch and trail mix for you

* Harness 

* 6-foot leash and, an extra-long line or a hands-free leash that attaches around your waist

* Fresh water in canisters for both of you that can attach to your belt or fit in your backpack

* Lightweight, collapsible water bowl to be able to offer water for your dog to drink

* Mini pet first aid kit for day-long hikes

* Fully charged cell phone and an ID wristband with emergency contact info

* Trail map, especially for hikes in new locations

* Keep an extra leash and collar with your dog’s identification tags, a bath towel, pet-safe moistened wipes, a favorite toy and bedding in your vehicle. 

Looking for new hiking places? Check out and click on the dog icon on the home page.

 Learn Pet First Aid

Learn more on ways to keep your cats and dogs safe by visiting Consider taking our veterinarian-approved online pet first aid/CPR course. Enter this code: CPR – ARDEN MOORE and receive a 10 percent discount! And, if you are interested in becoming a Pro Pet Hero instructor, please click on the BECOME AN INSTRUCTOR button on the home page for more details.

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