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National Love Your Pet Day


I wrote last week about the benefits of sharing your life with a cat and intend to post about the similar benefits of sharing our lives with dogs. Today however, is a national day to just celebrate our love for our pets in general – today we celebrate them.

Pet Lovers Everywhere

While the history of this holiday seems to be unknown we know its a day to pay extra attention and set aside some time to love our furry or not-so-furry friends. Life certainly gets busy and while we chose to share our lives with pets, we also have an obligation to focus our attention on them. Today is the special day where pet lovers everywhere should particularly be paying attention to the relationship they have with the pets in their lives.

Things You Can Do to Celebrate 

Are there special treats that your critters care for? Does your dog love to play Frisbee or go for a hike on the trails. What about making it a beach day? Does your cat love the laser pointer or a special catnip filled toy that brightens their day? Have you always wanted to teach your pet a trick, today is the perfect day to start!

We Want to Know How You Will Celebrate!

We want to hear and see what your plans are for your pets today. Share with us  on our social media outlets #NationalLoveYourPetDay and remember, safety is always paramount for your pets. Learn pet first aid and CPR training now (takes less than 2 hours) so you can have the rest of their life to happily enjoy with them.




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