The Spring Housing Market
The spring housing market has sprung. Many people are planning on moving in the next few months and the chances are statistically – more than 50% of you will be bringing pets!
It may sound easy to just bring your pet to your new home but there are a few tips that you should consider before introducing your pet to a new environment. Pets may feel stressed when in a new environment and that’s why it’s best to take note of some of these suggestions.
Tips for Moving with Pets
Before your move to a new home, start preparing your pet by:
- Work on leash restraining or better yet – safely confining your pet in a new area of your current home.
- Having your pet used to a crate or pen is safe while you pack up the truck and while they enter their new home. It’sĀ best to train them ahead of time so that you can control them while introducing the new home and to prevent any accidents such asĀ escaping from the front door of your new home.
Training them to stay in a crate or carrier while on the move
- Some pets might panic when they are not used to staying in carriers while on the move, or being in them in general. They should feel that the crate is a safe place to be, this will prevent them from beingĀ fearful during the trip to the new home.
- Work up to your pet getting used to their carrier. I started by throwing treats in my cat’s carrier with the door open, letting her go in and out as she pleased. Then I began feeding her meals in there. Within a week she was rushing in to get her treats or food. Certainly made the move to the new house and trips to the vet a lot easier.
- The time you put in prior to the move to get your pets used to the confined travel, the better the transition will be for them.
Keep your pet leashed even if your new yard is fenced
- Letting them have-at-it could result in a hole in the fence being found or figuring out that they can climb the fence. Cats are surprisingly nimble, a 6 ft wooden fence is easy to climb when its made of pine and they have good claws on them.
- Allow your pet to roam around on leash and play with them so that they can familiarize themselves with the new landscape but have you nearby for assurance.
- It doesn’t hurt to keep them in their carrier or crate and place them in your new yard or outdoor space while in it. You can give them a treat and offer praise for the job well done inĀ remaining calm in their new space.
Keep your pet confined when you start moving in
- Allow them to get used to their new digs from the aspect of their current confinement. Place your cat or dog in a quieter spot in their new home or where they will normally be. Cover the crate and play a radio to help ease them into the transition of boxes getting shuffled around and people yelling, “hey, where does this box go?”.
- Keep them leashed when you first let them explore so that they don’t help you realize the back door leading down the driveway out into the road doesn’t latch all the way!
- Reward them with treats especially when they show comfort moving about in the new house. Set up their bedding or places you would like them to be. Show them their toy bin and let them roam around supervised.
Be Patient
You have to understand that just like humans, pets also may feel stress when they are moved into a new environment. Try to be as patient as you can and always pay attention to how they are coping. Some dogs may run around excited to get going in their new house while your cat finds the chimney an exciting new hiding spot.
Having patience and allowing them the time they need to adjust will make it easier for them to feel secure and comfortable in their new home. Always remember that they also need time to adjust just like you do.
Let us know if these tips work for you and if you have more tips to share on making moving an easy transition for your pets!
Great information, Thank you!