We are grateful for this informative guest post from Mary Nielsen of FelineLiving.net, please read to the end for her bio. Sharing Your Life with a Cat For the most part, cat ownership is pretty low maintenance. Sure, you’ll always have to make sure they are well fed and watered, get regular vet visits for check-ups and such, and because cats …
Why Does My Cat Headbutt Me?
While it didn’t make the list of top 10 most searched Google questions about cats, it’s still a fascinating question. Why Do Cats Butt Their Heads Against You? Some say that it’s for affection while others say that it’s to stake a claim on you, or rather mark you. Coup de tête as the Frech would say – technically known …
5 Reasons Why Your Dog Should Sleep in Bed with You and 5 Reasons Why Not
This is a common question I get asked from new dog walking and pet sitting clients. Even the seasoned dog owner who is now an empty-nester will ask, “is it Ok if my dog sleeps in bed with me?” As a pet sitter and from the standpoint of training the dog, I always tell my clients that they should create …
You Can’t Save Them All
It sounds so harsh but I’d rather you hear from me than experience it for yourself like I did. Since 2011 I was a pet first aid and CPR instructor, I felt confident that not only did I possess the skills to save pet lives, I also have the ability to teach others. The one thing I was lacking, however, …
Best Dogs for Your Children
A guest post from our friends at Top Dog Tips Your child loves animals and has been asking you to get one. Over the last decade, there’s been an increase in a number of studies proving the many ways that dogs benefit children, and vice versa. This is particularly true of physical and mental health improvements, where dogs reduce stress …
Tropical Storm Harvey Reminds Us That Preparation is Paramount
We Learned from Hurricane Katrina but Not Enough for Tropical Storm Harvey 12 years ago our country experienced the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and right now as I type, Texas is seeing some of the highest flood waters ever recorded from Tropical Storm Harvey. Much like Katrina, Harvey is destroying homes, causing massive evacuations and evicting people from what was …
The Safety Concerns Appliances Pose for Your Pets
Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire When I was probably about seven or eight my mother drove me to her friend’s house that had recently been destroyed by a fire. I was amazed at how the house had been leveled, the smell of burnt plastic still in the air and their belongings, ruined and strewn about by the raging fire and …
The Great Debate – Indoor or Outdoor for your Cat
According to the AVMA, indoor cats live longer than their outdoor counterparts. Indoor cats can have a life expectancy of around 17 years or more, while outdoor felines are lucky to live an average of two to five years – that’s a substantial difference. Indoor Vs. Outdoor For those of you that weren’t swayed by the opening statement of greater …
What’s Up Wednesday – A Better Way Pet Sitting Service
A few weeks ago I was in a Facebook group for professional pet sitters in Massachusetts and I saw a post promoting Pro Pet Hero. It’s wonderful when other pet care professionals share our course with others but when I saw who posted it I admittedly was a little confused. The poster was Wendi Dellemonico of A Better Way Pet …
What’s Up Wednesday – Wagtown
We bring your Wagtown for this What’s Up Wednesday – that’s a lot of W’s but I’m excited to bring you the what and why that is Wagtown. Wagtown – Where the Wag Happens Today I interviewed Beth Miller, founder and president of Wagtown – where the wag happens. Beth and her partner Tom saw a serious problem with what …