by Arden Moore, ProPetHero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor Many dogs, including my Pet Safety Dog Kona, love, love, love fetching tennis balls. Fetching ranks among the favorite of canine games. Dogs get to pursue, grab this ‘pretend’ prey and bring it back to you to toss again. But not all tennis balls are safe. And, you …
Figuring Out Feline Moods
By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor Cat Emotions Cats are candid about what they want and when they want it. They don’t lie or deceive. And, they certainly don’t apologize like some dogs might. Cats ooze with catitude, so deciphering their core emotions can help you bond better with them and handle …
Fending Off Fleas and Tackling Ticks on Your Pets
By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor Paw, paw. Scratch, scratch. Lick, lick. These can be the telltale signs that a cat or dog is dealing two itty-bitty menaces: fleas and ticks. Unchecked and unprotected, dogs and cats can not only feel frustrated and miserable, but they can develop a host of diseases. …
Surprising Poisons Impacting Pets
By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor With more people getting vaccinated against COVID-19 and cases dropping in numbers, it is finally safer to venture outdoors with our dogs this summer. Sure, our dogs loved having us at home 24-7, but a new report indicates major spikes in the incidents of dogs and …
April Is Pet First Aid Awareness Month
By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor I keep a well-stocked pet first aid kit in my home and a travel size in my vehicle. In case of a pet emergency, I want to be prepared. The reality is that not all cut paws, bee stings, sprained limbs or other pet injuries conveniently …
Why You Should Always Check Your Pet’s Poop
Why You Should Become a Pet Poopologist By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor How healthy is your pet? To be your pet’s best health ally, you need to start acting like a pet detective by looking for clues. And, one of the most accurate ways to gauge your pet’s health is to …
Why Does My Cat Do That?
A few years ago I wrote a post about a strange behavior my cat does and what it means. I covered why do cats head butt us. Technically this behavior is called head bunting and according to several cat behavior experts, it is specifically used to denote the bond your cat has with you, that they are being social, that …
Pandemic-related Poisons in Homes Are On the Rise in Cats and Dogs
By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor Household Pet Poison Calls Are on the Rise As the pandemic stubbornly continues, one cherished benefit is getting to spend more time at home with our pets. However, everyday household items pose hidden dangers to our dogs and cats. In a new report from Pet Poison …
Snake Bites Impact Cats and Dogs Differently
By Arden Moore – Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor New Study Reveals That Snakes Bites Impact Cats and Dogs Differently Confronting an irked rattlesnake or other venomous snake is definitely a situation any person, dog or cat wishes to avoid. But a new study indicates that cats are twice as likely to survive a …
Certified Pet Experts
This post is provided by our affiliate partner Certified Pet Expert Certified Pet Expert offers an online training and certification course that covers everything a professional dog walker or pet sitter needs to know to do their job to world-class standards. Professional pet sitter and dog walking training and certification is perfect for: Anyone wanting to become a freelancer, solo …