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Giving Medicine to Your Pet Minus the Struggle

In cat behavior, cat first aid, Dog Behavior, Parasites, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety, Uncategorized, veterinarian by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore Medicine Saves the Day You bring your ailing dog or cat to the veterinary clinic where your veterinarian performs a thorough exam. She pinpoints the cause and provides a treatment plan for a full recovery. You experience a sense of relief until your veterinarian hands you a bottle of medicine. She instructs you on the need to …

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The Doggone Dangers of Dogs Raiding Litter Boxes

In Animal Health, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dogs, Kitties, Parasites, pet care professional, Pet First Aid, Pet Safety by Cara Armour

Kitty Candy Some dogs just can’t say no to opportunities to grab poop deposited by the family cat in the litter box. There is the obvious reaction from many of us – yuck! Gross! And, definitely, we do our best not to be on the receiving end of a doggy kiss, right?But coming up with an effective way to prevent …

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Pay Attention to Doggy Odors

In Animal Health, groomer, Parasites, pet care professional, Pet First Aid by Cara Armour

By Arden Moore When it comes to comparing the ability to smell things, dogs easily beat us by a nose. Olfactory receptor cells inside a dog’s nose are boosted by tiny hairs called cilia that are coated with mucus to help trap scent. Why dogs win by nose is because there are about 100 million olfactory receptor cells in canine …

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Why You Should Always Check Your Pet’s Poop

In Animal Health, cat behavior, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Kitties, Parasites, pet care professional, Pet First Aid, Pet Food Industry, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Puppies, Uncategorized by Cara Armour

Why You Should Become a Pet Poopologist By Arden Moore Pro Pet Hero Instructor Director and Master Pet First Aid/CPR Instructor How healthy is your pet? To be your pet’s best health ally, you need to start acting like a pet detective by looking for clues.  And, one of the most accurate ways to gauge your pet’s health is to …

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Can My Pets Get Coronavirus?

In Animal Health, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, Dog Jobs, Dog Show, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Parasites, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, vet tech, veterinarian by Cara Armour

I generally do not watch news stations but I am one of the millions of people that scroll through social media daily. I haven’t been able to go a day since at least January without hearing about the coronavirus, no doubt it is on everyone’s minds and now from watching the news, it’s all over there too. While we are …

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Why Do Dogs Eat Grass

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Fall pet safety, Parasites, pet care professional, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Pet Safety, pet sitter, Puppies, Spring pet safety, Summer pet safety, Uncategorized, veterinarian by Cara ArmourLeave a Comment

I spend a good portion of my week talking to someone about the anatomy and physiology of a dog’s mouth. I explain how the scissor bite and enzymes in the salvia are specifically designed to tear through and digest meat. I have had this discussion while my own meat-eating canine friend stands beside me chomping down on grass! Why the Heck …

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Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

In cat behavior, cat first aid, Cats, Kitties, Parasites, pet care professional, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, pet sitter, Uncategorized by Cara Armour2 Comments

It seems so contradictory given their pointy meat-intended teeth but these obligate carnivores can often be found chomping down on an herbivore’s delight. The Theories Some veterinarians have developed a theory that eating grass helps clear out intestinal parasites (nematodes), sort of like a rake for the stomach. Others believe they just like the sweet taste of some moist grass …

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How to Repel Ticks Without Chemicals or Collars

In dog walker, Dogs, Parasites, pet care professional, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, pet sitter, Travel with pets, Uncategorized by Cara ArmourLeave a Comment

Dog Not Gone but the Ticks Are We got to test a tick repelling product you put on your dog but have the luxury of being able to take it off. Disclaimer: Thanks to some cat lovers who warned me, this product is not intended or safe for cats as they tend to be very sensitive to permethrin. For more information …

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A Competitive Advantage for the Pet Care Business

In Animal Health, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, dog walker, Dogs, groomer, Parasites, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet First Aid, Pet Holidays, Pet Industry, Pet Rescues, pet sitter, Puppies, Reader Stories, senior pets, Travel with pets, Uncategorized, veterinarian by Cara ArmourLeave a Comment

Use Education as Your Competitive Advantage The pet care market is a competitive one, there is no denying that. With the onslaught of app-based listing service sites it has become a bit more challenging to stand above the rest. Yes you have years behind the leash under your belt and you have a knowledge that newbies would pay for in the …

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Ticks; The Pesky Parasites Plaguing Our Pets

In black dogs, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog CPR, dog walker, Dogs, Parasites, pet cpr, Pet First Aid, pet sitter, vet tech, veterinarian by Cara Armour2 Comments

Ticked Off! I can’t go for a walk with or even without my dogs and not find one of these pests lurking about. On Sunday I was at an indoor agility trial and felt one trying to bite the back of my neck! I had only been outside for a few minutes walking my dog along the woods – oh no, my …