Because we are a pet-centric first aid & CPR course I won’t be spending much time honoring the human veterans that have served and protected us (not because they do not absolutely deserve it), I will focus on the feline and canine veterans – yes I said feline meaning cat. Feline Fighters? I was impressed to learn just about a …
Respect Your Cat Day
Dogs Have Masters Cats Have Staff I know, you respect them everyday – they demand it! Today seriously is Respect Your Cat Day and I think its a good idea to keep us in check when it comes to our cats. There are cat lovers and dog lovers in the world, that is a fact and people can be both. …
National Love Your Pet Day
I wrote last week about the benefits of sharing your life with a cat and intend to post about the similar benefits of sharing our lives with dogs. Today however, is a national day to just celebrate our love for our pets in general – today we celebrate them. Pet Lovers Everywhere While the history of this holiday seems to …
Cat Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
Most cats are lactose intolerant so after they wean off their mother’s milk, they stop being able to breakdown dairy products. Giving your cats a bowl of milk is probably going to give them a stomach ache and is best avoided. During the Spanish inquisition, Pope Innocent VIII condemned cats as evil and encouraged people to burn them. As a result …
The Inaugural Pet
Trump Doesn’t Have a Pet The President Elect will be sworn in and he won’t have a dog by his side. President Obama didn’t either but he mentioned in his inaugural speech a promise to his daughter’s that they would get one. It took him two months but Obama delivered; first they got Bo, their male Portuguese Water dog, then …
Why Do We Share Our Lives With Pets?
Science Does Not Prove Pets Make Us Live Longer I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why exactly I share my life with pets and why do other people? I recently wrote a blog about my cat and how she gets into so much trouble. My dogs cost me a small fortune, they’re not able to carry on the family genes so …