Oct 17-23, 2021 – This week we celebrate the wonderful pet nurses. This is an edited version of our post from the previous year and while each year this week repeats, the week is never less important. They’ve Hugged Your Pet Have you thought about hugging them? Ok, you should probably ask before you go doing so (and probably not …
How Can You Tell How Old a Dog Is?
I’ll not lie, one of my favorite things to do is guess a puppy’s age. Not three days ago was I walking around the conservation area near my house with my dogs when we ran into a Great Pyrenees puppy. Despite being already taller and outweighing my two-year-old Boxers, I turned to the owners and asked, “is he between five-six …
Dogs CAN Drink Too Much Water
The beaches up here in New England have opened back up to our canine companions and with that naturally, comes some risks. The obvious risk of drowning or cutting a pad on a shell is certainly present but there is a very serious condition that many of us do not think about – certainly not on a regular basis. Dogs …
5 Reasons Why Your Dog Should Sleep in Bed with You and 5 Reasons Why Not
This is a common question I get asked from new dog walking and pet sitting clients. Even the seasoned dog owner who is now an empty-nester will ask, “is it Ok if my dog sleeps in bed with me?” As a pet sitter and from the standpoint of training the dog, I always tell my clients that they should create …
Best Dogs for Your Children
A guest post from our friends at Top Dog Tips Your child loves animals and has been asking you to get one. Over the last decade, there’s been an increase in a number of studies proving the many ways that dogs benefit children, and vice versa. This is particularly true of physical and mental health improvements, where dogs reduce stress …
Tropical Storm Harvey Reminds Us That Preparation is Paramount
We Learned from Hurricane Katrina but Not Enough for Tropical Storm Harvey 12 years ago our country experienced the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and right now as I type, Texas is seeing some of the highest flood waters ever recorded from Tropical Storm Harvey. Much like Katrina, Harvey is destroying homes, causing massive evacuations and evicting people from what was …
The Safety Concerns Appliances Pose for Your Pets
Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire When I was probably about seven or eight my mother drove me to her friend’s house that had recently been destroyed by a fire. I was amazed at how the house had been leveled, the smell of burnt plastic still in the air and their belongings, ruined and strewn about by the raging fire and …
What’s Up Wednesday – A Better Way Pet Sitting Service
A few weeks ago I was in a Facebook group for professional pet sitters in Massachusetts and I saw a post promoting Pro Pet Hero. It’s wonderful when other pet care professionals share our course with others but when I saw who posted it I admittedly was a little confused. The poster was Wendi Dellemonico of A Better Way Pet …
Will My Pets Be Affected by the Solar Eclipse?
I attended a networking event the other evening hosted by Nancy Hassel from American Pet Professionals and the presenter, Jane Harrell from ’cause digital marketing brought up a good idea to discuss, and one that just happens to be trending. I generally stay away from the trendy pet stuff like the newest product being showcased or some celebrity pet story but when …
What’s Up Wednesday – Wagtown
We bring your Wagtown for this What’s Up Wednesday – that’s a lot of W’s but I’m excited to bring you the what and why that is Wagtown. Wagtown – Where the Wag Happens Today I interviewed Beth Miller, founder and president of Wagtown – where the wag happens. Beth and her partner Tom saw a serious problem with what …