If you share your life with a black dog you already know the joys of your dark mysterious mate. Did you know black dogs are the most overlooked pups in shelters? In terms of branding, the black dog doesn’t catch the eye of the lighter colored, tan, red or white pups. Black is a harsh color and certainly avoided in …
Blog Series: 5 Common Issues with Your Pets; #5 Seizures
We’re rounding out our 5 Common Issues with your Pets blog series and will be ending with the brain dysfunction known as seizures. Seizures are a clear sign that something is not right with your pet and can be caused by blunt force trauma, poisoning, brain tumors or even a genetic condition known as epilepsy. Whatever the cause, what you …
Blog Series: 5 Common Issues with Your Pets; #4 Choking
Next in the lineup for learning how to be our pet’s hero is choking. We have since covered; cuts, punctures, bites, poisoning, and being hit by a car. While dogs are certainly far more likely to choke than cats – it’s best to know what to do no matter which of your furry pals is in trouble. Issue: Choking Choking …
Blog Series: 5 Common Issues with Your Pets; #3 Hit by a Car
From our first and second posts in this series, we have learned that there are no animal EMT’s – so hopefully by now you have gathered that you are your pet’s emergency animal response team – EART! Dogs and cats getting hit by cars is more common then anyone wants to imagine – but there is hope! Not all HBC’s …
Blog Series: 5 Common Issues with Your Pets; #2 Poisoning
To continue our series of the most common issues you may experience with your pets, we’ll discuss poisonings. This is a BIG topic not only because it is so frequent, rather there are a vast array of things that can poison our pets – not to mention the reactions our pets can have to poisons. Just as an EMT would take your vitals …
Blog Series: 5 Common Issues with Your Pets; #1 Cuts, Punctures or Bites
I don’t know about you but if something happens to a person – whether it be a friend, family member or stranger on the street – if I see a medical emergency I know I can help by dialing 911. While I do know human first aid and CPR, I feel comfortable knowing that if my adrenaline is pumping the …
National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day
This is an update to an article I originally posted on this special day last year. Today is National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day, a day that evokes so many emotions for me. Having shared my life with two dogs in carts, as I document in this blog post, I know firsthand the joy, pain, and strife that comes with …
It Happens; what’s the scoop on your pet’s poop
Let’s face it, it happens. While we often think of communicating with our pets via eye contact or voice commands, we rarely think about how they can transmit with us via “poop posts”. When your cat or dog leaves behind a log it’s like a storybook of their body. It tells you what they ate, how it agreed – or disagreed – with them, …
Pet Education for the Pet Care Professional
As a Pet Care Professional Be Competent and Confident in a Pet Emergency Situation Whether you pet sit for your friends and family, just signed up for a pet care listing site, or have a staff of 20, when you take care of people’s pets – or share your life with them – you better know what to do when something …