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What’s Up Wednesday – How to Take Fido Backpacking

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Travel with pets, Uncategorized by Cara ArmourLeave a Comment

This What’s Up Wednesday we’re checking in with our friends from who have provided us with a guest post on tips to make backpacking with your canine buddy fun for both of you. Taking your dog backpacking can be a fun and bonding experience. You can visit places together and play, as well as eat, while enjoying the beauties of Mother …

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How to Tell If Your Pet Is Fat

In Animal Health, cat behavior, Cats, Dog Behavior, dog walker, Dogs, pet care professional, Pet Food Industry, Pet Industry, pet sitter, Uncategorized by Cara Armour1 Comment

Honestly, chances are they are – your pets are more than likely overweight and sadly obese. We saw a steady increase in 2016 in pet obesity, affecting nearly 59% of cats and 54% of dogs, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP). I See Fat Pets Every Day I see it daily and while one could say running …

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What’s Up Wednesday – How Handicapped Dogs Changed My Life

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog Show, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, pet care professional, Pet Industry, pet sitter, Reader Stories, Uncategorized, Wound care by Cara Armour23 Comments

Many of us have had “that dog”, I’ve had two. I thought about going on Facebook Live about this topic but I can’t without crying so my written words will have to suffice. The Start of DM On a hot summer day seemingly like any other day I had brought my 6.5 yr old Boxer dog Dozer on a walk …

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12 Tips to Bringing Home a Puppy or a Kitten

In cat behavior, cat cpr, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog daycare owner, Dog Jobs, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, groomer, Kitties, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Food Industry, Pet Industry, pet sitter, Puppies, Travel with pets, Uncategorized by Cara Armour2 Comments

Bringing an animal into your life can be one of the most fulfilling times of your life. In fact, I have spent nearly my entire time on this earth with a cat or dog by my side so I do not know life without one. If you’re still on the fence about sharing your life with a pet, here is …

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Steps to Take When Your Dog Gets Sprayed by a Skunk

In Cats, Dog Behavior, dog walker, pet care professional, Pet Industry, pet sitter, Reader Stories, Summer pet safety, Uncategorized by Cara ArmourLeave a Comment

Skunked! It’s 10:30 at night and you’re letting the dogs out in the yard for the last time. Your two Boxers dart out after something and the Weimaraner and Golden Retriever you have spending the night take off in pursuit of your pups. You hear a scuffle then you see to your horror, one of your Boxers has a skunk …

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What’s Up Wednesday – Heat Exhaustion

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, dog walker, Dogs, pet care professional, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, Uncategorized, veterinarian by Cara Armour2 Comments

Well, despite writing a blog post with 12 tips on how to help your pet cope with the heat, I sadly found myself with a suffering pup. Nothing out of the Ordinary As we have done countless early mornings, we took our 3 Boxers for a romp at an aqueduct near us. It has flat open trails, a pond, wooded …

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SUP with Your Pup – Stand Up Paddle

In Dog Behavior, dog training, Dogs, Pet Industry, Puppies, Reader Stories, Summer pet safety, Things to do with your pets, Travel with pets, Uncategorized by Cara Armour4 Comments

There are tons of summer fun activities we can do with our pups but if you’re going to hit the water, I highly recommend trying to stand up paddle with your pooch. Build up to SUP While many might take to the board like pro’s, you will have to put some time, effort and patience into getting your pup not …

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When It’s Too Hot for Spot

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog CPR, dog training, dog walker, Dogs, pet care professional, pet cpr, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Industry, Reader Stories, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, Uncategorized by Cara ArmourLeave a Comment

Cars Can Heat up Quickly! I very recently posted about the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars and the common misconceptions that help people think it’s OK. I’m going to continue to write about this danger until less – or better yet – no more animals die from being left in cars. The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) states …

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What’s Up Wednesday – Good Dog in a Box

In Animal Health, Dog Behavior, Dog Jobs, dog training, Dogs, Pet Industry, Uncategorized by Cara Armour2 Comments

No, a puppy isn’t coming to your door but something way more enriching, educational and great for every single family member (including Fido) could be. Mail Order Meets Tech to Bring Positive Reinforcement Training to Your Home Kim Merritt-Butler with her professional dog trainer sister Jen Merritt, CPDT-KA, BS have created a subscription based educational program that comes to your …

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10 Tips on How to Keep Your Pets Safe this 4th of July

In cat behavior, cat first aid, Cats, Dog Behavior, dog training, dog walker, pet care professional, Pet Death, Pet First Aid, Pet Holidays, Pet Industry, Pet Rescues, pet sitter, Summer pet safety, Travel with pets, Uncategorized by Cara Armour1 Comment

With every holiday celebration comes some consideration for our pets. We want to enjoy the day but also not frighten our furry friends away. The 5th of July is the busiest day on record for animal shelters and the Animal Control Officers according to the American Humane Association reports. These facilities and officers become inundated with panicked pets from the …