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Cat and Dog CPR – Steps You Can Take to Save an Unresponsive Pet

Cat and Dog CPR

Having the knowledge to save your pet is literally possessing the ability to be their hero. It sounds like a grandiose concept but you shouldn’t think of this skill as something only a medical professional can do – if you share your life with a pet in any way shape or form; YOU are their only hope when something goes wrong – and it will. Remember, there is no animal 911 you can call to have an ambulance arrive, not yet at least.

The infographic we have shared outlines what to do when you come upon or find yourself in the presence of a pet that is unconscious, not breathing normally and lacks a pulse. This is not a substitute for taking our pet first aid and CPR certification course, in fact this should serve as a reminder to do so NOW!

The Basics of Pet CPR

CPR stands for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation but it doesn’t matter one bit if you remember that. What you need to take away is the concept – pumping blood and breathing for your pet that otherwise is not doing so on their own. Moving oxygenated blood throughout the body, and most importantly getting it to the brain and other vital organs will help to prevent death as well as long term damage. That is YOUR goal for your cat or dog in need of CPR.

This video excerpt from our class will demonstrate how to perform pet CPR.

Be a Pet’s Hero

At ProPetHero our why-we-do-what-we-do is part of our name; we teach you how to be a pet’s hero. Everything we do is because we believe in providing training for people who care – because quality, your time, great support, flexibility, your confidence, great instruction and your pet’s life matters.

There is a ton of information out there on the Internet but often times we don’t know what we are looking for until we are faced with a problem. Don’t let a pet emergency happen before you have the confidence to act. Learn pet CPR and first aid now so tomorrow doesn’t have to be another day where you might have to search for the knowledge you could already have today.


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